Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Know Exactly What Triggers Headaches

Almost every one might have experienced headache once or many times in life. Do you know exactly what triggers headaches? If it is experienced now and then, it may be due to genetic factor, or the metabolism of your body. Also, stress is another significant factor which triggers hormonal headaches. Although there are several factors that are almost universal in triggering headaches, the situation varies with different persons. The most cited impetuous factors are anxiety, glare, noise, stress and anger. There are some other common factors like sneezing, relaxation, pollen and sexual activity.

The associated symptoms are visual disturbance like flashes of lights and blind spots. There is an experience of intensified sensitivity to light or noise, and it can be nausea with some persons. Some people suffer from cluster headaches, which are even more painful. They are not the same as typical migraine, but they are even debilitating. A better solution is to learn what triggers your headache and then avoid it in future. You can also learn to anticipate the onset of the problem and take steps to stop them.

Emotions: Emotional distress and headaches are closely connected, but not directly. Emotions, on the other hand, just contribute in creating more chances for headaches. It’s true that emotions can bring up headaches, keep them ongoing, and make them worse.

Food items: There are certain items of foods that trigger headaches. Drinking too many cups of brewed coffee at a time may be harmful in triggering headache. They include soybeans, fatty foods, wheat products, and artificial sweeteners. If these foods are taken excessively, they cause in many cases head agony.

Medications: Many of you know that some medications prescribed to treat illness do trigger headaches in many cases. If you know exactly what triggers headaches at times, it will be useful to you for migraine headache treatment. Specifically, the medications taken during the treatment for heart disease, blood pressure, ulcers, and blood dilution can trigger headaches as adverse side effects. When you are taking such medicines triggering headache, you ought to consult your doctor to have a switch over to another non-agony provoking drug.

Pain relievers: Patients with chronic headaches are generally treated with an antidepressant and a pain reliever. It is true that a patient gets relief from pain more quickly with antidepressant alone than a patient taking a pain reliever in addition. Researches have proved that such patients treated without pain relievers recover fast to normalcy. There is another research establishing that 75 % of hospitalized patients with migraine headache symptoms are completely freed from agony after stopping pain relievers. Since the pain relievers actually block the effectiveness of other medications, eliminating pain relievers could help the patients for migraine headache relief.

Oral contraceptives: The pills cause headaches in many patients, and they even make existing condition worse, depending on the individual’s body condition. It is the pill formulation which contributes to trigger menstrual headaches with varying levels of estrogen in oral contraceptives. Overuse of these drugs can actually perpetuate and worsen, leading to analgesic-rebound headaches.