Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Headache may be one of the Brain Tumor Symptoms

Having headache occasionally is quite common to all, and there is nothing to worry. If it is constant or recurring, it creates in many patients a stress. Instantly they rush to their family care doctor or to a special clinic with a fear that it may be one of the brain tumor symptoms. If the doctor suspects symptoms of brain tumor, the patient feels highly afraid of his pathetic condition with each and everything. Sometimes, stress causes tension headache symptoms which are identified as ‘secondary’ since stress is the organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. Whatever may be the causes of headache, clinical specialists do view seriously. Still, the headache is exclusively dependent on the condition of the patient.

The headache with brain tumor symptoms is entirely different from one due to stress. Sometimes, the patient experiences severe headache symptoms and complaints known as "red flags" connected with coughing, sneezing or bending over. All such symptoms are serious to any patient as they can consequently cause other complications. Many patients can also have some other attacks with neurological symptoms like partial memory loss and affected personality. The symptoms can also include dizziness, tinnitus and incontinence. When the diagnosis gives abnormal results and the patient has visual defects or weakness then either a CT or MRI of the brain is needed. So, headache of any nature is serious and needs immediate treatment from a neurological specialist.

Signs of brain tumor headaches:
It can produce increased pain all over the day that is throbbing in nature. The pain will be mild in the morning and then gradually progressing to the worst level throughout the day. In some cases, the pain will be deep all through the day. To the worst of all, it extends over weeks or even months together. Some patients may experience the symptoms of migraine.

There are certain things which should be normally avoided to be free any risky condition. They include chain smoking, consuming tobacco, and consuming excess alcohol. At the beginning stage, chemotherapy and radiation may be helping you with constant care. For some patients, steroids can relieve pains by progressive steps. The response will be good for steroids or anti-inflammatories. When there is no improvement they need surgery. Many times the symptoms disappear after surgery.

Monday, March 16, 2009

7 Tips to Relieve Headache with Symptoms

It’s undeniable that headaches are generally based on physical and emotional stress. Other than the stress, there are some other factors which are secondary. It’s somewhat easy to relieve your headache if you take special care and start relief measures instantly on experiencing symptoms. Here are the most common ways to relieve your headache following the symptoms.

Be free from stress: Primarily, you should know first what causes your headache before you try to relieve the same from you. If you think well, you can understand that you have physical and emotional stress which can be the prime source of migraine headache trigger. Drugs do not usually relieve stress, so you strive to find out how to cure a headache. You can successfully relieve your stress by taking warm baths and performing deep breath exercises. You can also make yourself engaged in something you like to do and have sufficient time out. You can reduce stress with muscle massage, attending to melodious songs or soothing music. You can even have relaxed walking in open air.

Have good sleep: Indeed, getting too little or too much sleep cannot help you. You should neither be a moron nor a chump in sleeping habit. When you are fatigue or exhausted, you get more chance to have migraine. To reduce such symptoms, basically you should have a good sleep which can be achieved by routine practice.

Have balanced diet: If you are particular in eating junk foods, your health may be affected. Some foods with harmful ingredients can tilt your normal digestive system. It is in your hands that you identify which foods cause headache symptoms and avoid them in your dish. Probably the foods or ingredients which give problems are processed meat, processed cheese, citrus fruits, caffeine, red wine, chilly Mazola snacks, and monosodium glutamate. You should make sure you are taking proper meal with all nutrients that your body requires.

Breath in free air: Don’t keep all the doors closed when you are at home or at office. Fumes and vapors can make you suffocating with bad odor and dense smoke causing tension. So, take care that you are having proper ventilation for free air to avoid the risks.

Meditate: Meditation is the best option to relieve your headache symptoms. When you sit calmly and start meditating, you can feel completely relaxed. Spend just 5 minutes and have deep breaths for thinking about NOTHING. Can’t you do this? Try it to evacuate your thoughts and feel ‘headache relief’ at once.

Be limited to alcohol: Consuming alcohol is not affecting much if it is within limits. When it exceeds the limit of your body condition, the problem is created. Also, take care to drink by sips with fruits or vegetable juice mix or non-alcoholic sauce, and avoid red wine with tyramine content.

Preventive care: You know ‘prevention’ is always better than ‘cure’. You will be safe if you have annual check up for any suspected symptoms of migraine and get rid of your headache symptoms before troubled. You should take preventive medications.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What causes headaches?-Find out Youself

There are plenty of reasons for headaches, but how to find out what causes headaches? We have so much information on this issue with reference to migraine headache triggers. Most often a new onset of headaches is nothing to worry about, but what is there if you go on worrying for nothing? Headaches are categorized as primary and secondary. They are primary if they occur due to stress, sleeplessness, anxiety, eating habits, anger, hunger, disappointment, and depression. They are secondary if they are the results of brain tumor. Mostly the problem will dissipate over a week or two and everything will be fine. But what is there if the headaches don't go away?

Sometimes, we have migraine headache symptoms due to food preservatives and chemical additives. Very rarely, it may be a brain tumor headache. You have to identify the symptom and cause. What causes headaches is usually not easy to identify. If you have the problem triggered by your lifestyle, you can modify the same and overcome the headaches. Here are some triggers which can be causes for your problem.

Stress: Stress is a serious offender to health including headaches. If you suffer from stress, then you are in a dilemma until you find the root cause for the same. Drugs do not cure stress, and so you strive to find how to cure a headache. You have to think well for an action plan to nip the problem at the bud. Indeed, stress causes your nerves hyperactive, and consequently you develop tension followed by migraine headaches. It’s a proven fact that working out is a great stress reliever. Have something you wish to do and take some time out, so you feel free and relaxed.

Eating habits: This is quite simple to understand if you think a while about your eating habits. If you have the habit of eating junk foods, your stomach begins to experience a jolting than to feel satisfied with what you have consumed. Some foods or ingredients can cause headaches. It’s with you to identify which foods cause migraines.

Eye strain: You are living in an advanced world of science and technology, and it needs the use of computers at all corners. Also, computers have occupied the place of an ‘essential tool’. Sitting and searching for something close to your computer most of the time make you triggered with strained eye headache. To avoid this risk, the only solution is to have a short time off for every two hours. If you have bad vision and don’t have corrective lenses, you will have major problems with ocular migraine headache.

Sleeplessness: Spending nights without ample sleep is very bad for your mental health. It’s also equally bad to be a sitting duck in sleep for hours together. So, it’s always good to stick on to your body clock and make sure to have sleep for at least 7 hours, even during holidays.

Mental work: Having constant mental work does strain your mind and you feel tired. When the straining of your mind exceeds the limit, you are sure to experience a mild to severe headache. Here again, the solution for your problem is to relax yourself with free mind.